In the course of life, the influence of gravity on our skin becomes more and more important. What does this mean for our face and possibly also for our neck? The natural fullness that sits in the area of the cheekbones and cheeks in childhood and adolescence decreases more and more. Finally, the center of gravity of the face ends up lower and lower, and so-called sagging cheeks develop, sometimes also a double chin and a sagging neck.
In addition, there is a loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which primarily affects the face during the maturing process. Hollow cheeks and sunken contours can occur. The diameter of the skin layers also gradually decreases and the content of hyaluronic acid, elastic fibers and collagen decreases. We are becoming thinner and thinner in the truest sense of the word. Wrinkles develop as a result of this natural aging process.
The good news is that you can do something about hollow cheeks, wrinkles, sagging cheeks and a slack neck. Depending on which region is particularly affected, a face/neck lift or a mini face/MACS lift is an option. Because we use a very elegant French method, the results are very natural and not mask-like. After the procedure, our patients are often asked whether they have just returned from vacation.
MACS stands for Minimal Access Cranial Suspension. This means that minimally invasive only the structures that have sunken are lifted. It is not necessary to tighten the neck and carry out an extended incision. This is limited to a line in front of the ear. Not only is excess skin removed, but fullness is returned to where it once was, namely in the center of the cheek and cheekbone area. This is done by minimally invasive tissue tightening under the skin. This technique enables a long-lasting and therefore lasting result and leads to a youthful appearance. The surgical trauma is very low.
If the facial skin sagging is already very advanced and the area under the chin or the side and front neck is also sagging, then a more extensive tightening is required. The incision is extended to the region behind the ear. Sometimes a small incision under the chin is needed in order to be able to contour and shape this region as well. With this technique, too, the tissue is lifted, relocated and fixed again in a minimally invasive manner. Everything is done in such a way that the surgical trauma is kept as low as possible. The result is very natural and yet sustainable.
Both techniques can also be combined with autologous fat transplantation. This can compensate for the loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue and regain a natural fullness. The result is a fresh, youthful appearance.
In addition to the general possible complications such as postoperative bleeding, wound healing disorders and infections, special risks must be taken into account. These relate to scar complications such as widened, thickened or reddened scars, skin necrosis (especially in smokers), injuries to nerves and larger blood vessels.
The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The patients stay in our clinic for 1-2 days and receive regular pain medication.
Depending on whether a mini or facelift was carried out, a downtime of 7-10 days must be expected. This time can also be shorter or longer, depending on the individual findings.
If the neck and chin were also tightened, then wearing a so-called chin sling is recommended. This shapes and contours and helps the skin lay nicely.
The costs for facelifts and neck lifts depend on the individual scope of services. Please refer to our price list for average prices.
Dr. med. Ursula Tanzella and her team will be happy to advise you personally.