Prominent or big ears can considerably interfere with the overall appearance of the face and cause quite some problems: children might be teased in school, adults might suffer from a complex, which can lead to low self-confidence. Thus, many wish to have their ears set back.
The goal of ear correction surgery is to provide lasting correction of ear prominence or ear asymmetry so that the ears are evenly positioned closer to the scalp. This is in general achieved by removing superfluous cartilage of the pinna. Usually, the pinna can also be put into the desired position without any problems.
Correcting this anomaly by otoplasty is one of the oldest procedures of aesthetic and plastic surgery and is a standard procedure of Park-Klinik Birkenwerder/Berlin. Ear correction surgery (otoplasty, also known as pinnaplasty) can be performed once the ear has reached its final size, i.e. from the age of 4 or 5 onwards. Ear reduction surgery can reduce the ear by one third of its initial size. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a personal consultation. Our surgeons will review, explain in detail, and discuss your options regarding »ear correction surgery (otoplasty)« at Park-Klinik Birkenwerder/Berlin.
The use of pain killers as well as antipyretic agents (against fever) and blood thinners should be discontinued at least two weeks prior to ear correction surgery to allow for a smooth procedure free of complications. The same holds true for products that contain vitamin E or ginkgo biloba.
Otoplasty requires special operation techniques to achieve natural results. The auricular cartilage is thinned by using a diamond drill, reshaped and fixed with three or four sutures. The scars are hidden as small, fine lines behind the ear and hardly visible.
Beside ear set back surgery, there is also the possibility to reduce the size of ear lobes, to reshape them or to repair earlobes that are stretched or torn by heavy earrings and to reduce the size of earholes.
Ear correction surgery is a standard procedure of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Nevertheless, general risks cannot be excluded, even when surgery is performed in accordance with state of the art procedures.
Swelling and bruising in the treated area are not uncommon. They usually disappear after a relatively short time all by themselves. There are very rare cases of infections, which can be mostly treated successfully with antibiotics. Generally speaking, ear correction (otoplasty) is among the plastic surgical interventions that cause the least complications.
Experience shows that most patients at Park-Klinik Birkenwerder/Berlin wish to get general anaesthesia for ear correction, but upon consultation with your surgeon and the anaesthetist, surgery can also be performed under regional anaesthesia with conscious sedation. Ear correction (pinnaplasty) is done as in-office procedure at Park-Klinik Birkenwerder/Berlin and takes about 1 hour.
Since the human ear is very sensitive, it should be protected after ear correction surgery by a sterile head dressing or a removable bandage for at least three to four days. Once dressings and sutures have been removed, it is recommended to wear a special headband at night for another four weeks.
The costs for eyelid corrections depend on the individual scope of services. Please refer to our price list for average prices.
Dr. med. Ursula Tanzella and her team will be happy to advise you personally.