Results from our BII patient survey confirm research results

12. März 2024

For several years there has been a suspicion that there is a connection between wearing a silicone implant and a cluster of up to 60 complaints, also known as breast implant illness. Now the results of our patient survey also confirm the research results of several scientific groups.

Sick from implants? What has long been circulating as a myth in literature and on various social media channels has now been confirmed in several scientific studies.
Wearing silicone implants can lead to a variety of complaints such as joint pain, migraines, fatigue, skin changes, susceptibility to infections, depression, hair loss, allergies, intolerances, autoimmune diseases and many other side effects.
Removing the implants allows all of these complaints to significantly decrease or disappear completely.
The underlying mechanism is assumed to be an overtaxing of the body's immune system by the implants on the one hand and a corresponding relief after the implants have been removed on the other.

We have summarized the results of our own patient survey with 252 patients and published an article about it. The results are astonishing. All patients' health improved significantly after implant removal. For many patients, the symptoms disappeared completely.

Thanks to our special technique of autologous fat transplantation, we can achieve very aesthetically pleasing results and patients do not need to be afraid of volume loss.

Further information can be found in the following PDF:

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Park-Klinik Fachärzte Team Park-Klinik Fachärzte Team

Dr. med. Ursula Tanzella and her team will be happy to advise you personally.

Make an appointment.